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The Family of Faith

Cross Roads is a safe place for those seeking to hear and grow in the message of Jesus Christ, but proclaiming the Gospel alone doesn’t make us a church. What makes us a church is that we are a community–a family of faith where Christ-followers can belong and grow to become all that God intends for them to be. Together we are committed to sharing the Good News to all who will hear and receive.


Why We Have a Membership

Membership is a valuable statement of commitment and accountability. While your profession of faith in Jesus Christ is a declaration of salvation and lordship, church membership allows you to make a commitment to fellow believers. Membership allows us to move further away from self-service into further service of God and others. Membership is a mark of Christian maturity and the practice of our faith, not a substitute for an active relationship with Jesus.


Membership Makes a Statement to Church Leaders

Membership is valuable to the leaders of the church as they seek to fulfill their God-given task of shepherding and maturing the body. It is important to identify those who truly comprise the committed core of individuals that can be counted on to advance the mission and purpose of the church.


Membership Benefits the Individual

Experience shows that church membership benefits the individual by providing a place of identity within a core of like-minded and supportive believers. These communities are committed to care for and serve one another in the biblical example of love. It’s not a perfect system, but it is a biblical model that surrounds each member in a loving and caring fellowship.





Q) How do I become a member of Cross Roads?


A) If you are already a baptized believer, you can respond to the invitation extended during Sunday morning worship services. If you are not able to respond during the worship service, please contact our pastor to discuss church membership.


Q) When should I become a member?


A) This answer is different for every person. Some are ready to place their membership after only a few visits. Others require more time to explore the teachings, beliefs, and expectations of the church. However, if you faithfully attend, have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ, have been baptized by immersion, and are ready to consider Cross Roads your church home, then you may be ready now to place your membership with the CRBC family.


Q) Are there any requirements for membership at Cross Roads?


A) Yes. To place membership at Cross Roads you must have surrendered your life to follow Jesus Christ. This means that you have accepted Him as your Savior, and you are following Him as the Lord of your life.

Our membership requirements are based on the New Testament precedents set forth in the book of Romans.


First, admit that you (and everyone else) have sinned (Romans 3:23);

next, understand that the penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23);

then, acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God’s only Son and that He paid the penalty for your sins by His death on the cross (Romans 5:8, 10:9-10);

and finally, you confess faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9-13).

Those confessing faith in Jesus Christ will want to follow Christ through baptism by immersion (Romans 6:3-4).


Q) What is expected of me as a member?


A) Church membership is valuable to both the member and the church, and both have certain responsibilities that accompany the membership commitment. Through membership, the church is committing to the spiritual care and development of the member and the member is committing to personal growth and participation in the life and mission of the church. We expect the following from our members:


1) Live a life honoring to God, based on biblical principles

2) Commit to growing in your relationship with God and the church

3) Give of your time, talents and service to the church

4) Give financially to support the ministries of the church

5) Share your faith with those you come in contact with


Q) If I have already received Christ and have been baptized by immersion in another church, will I have to be baptized again to be a member of Cross Roads?


A) The answer in most situations is no. We believe that you are baptized into God’s family and not a particular church. However, some people who become members choose to be baptized if they feel their baptism was for the wrong reason, such as an adult who was baptized as a child because of pressure from a friend or parent. If you have questions, we would be happy to discuss them with you.


Q) Do I have to be a member to serve at Cross Roads?


A) Some support or helping ministry opportunities at Cross Roads do not require you to be a member. There are others, however, which do require membership. As a general guideline, membership is required to participate in leadership and teaching roles, as well as any role with direct interaction with children and youth. The membership process has been designed to be a personally enriching step in your ongoing walk with Christ. We hope you will experience the many benefits of taking this step soon.


For more information about church membership, please contact our Pastor.


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